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Nurturing Faith Through Small Beginnings

Introduction: Good morning, beloved family and friends. Today, as we gather to celebrate Global Adventurer’s Day, we reflect on the spiritual growth and development of our youngest members—the Adventurers. Our message today is titled “Nurturing Faith Through Small Beginnings,” inspired by the biblical passage from Zechariah 4:10, “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.”


  1. The Value of Small Beginnings:
    • In the life of every child within our Adventurer Club, each small step in faith is a building block for a lifelong journey with God. Just as a seed needs time, care, and the right conditions to grow, so do our children need a nurturing environment to develop their spiritual roots.
  2. Role of the Community in Spiritual Growth:
    • As a church community, it’s our responsibility to provide a supportive environment for these young ones. We are the soil to their seeds. The activities we engage in, the words we speak, and the love we share are the nutrients that foster their growth. Through our annual celebration of Global Adventurer’s Day, we come together to reaffirm our commitment to this vital role.
  3. Teaching by Example:
    • The story of Samuel’s call in 1 Samuel 3 reminds us that God speaks to children and has a purpose for them. As adults, our role is to guide them to recognize and respond to His voice. By living lives that reflect Christ’s character, we teach them through our example more powerfully than through our words alone.

Conclusion: As we conclude, let us remember that every small deed of kindness, every lesson taught, and every prayer uttered in the presence of our children plants a seed that God can grow into something beautiful. On this Global Adventurer’s Day, let us commit to being diligent gardeners in the Lord’s field, nurturing these young souls, celebrating their growth, and looking forward with joy to the fruits they will bear in their lives and in the community.

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