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Growing Together: The Journey of Faith and Fellowship

Introduction: Good morning, church family. As we come together to celebrate Global Adventurer’s Day, let us focus on the theme “Growing Together: The Journey of Faith and Fellowship.” Our guiding scripture today is Colossians 2:6-7, “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”


  1. Rooted in Christ:
    • Our journey begins with a personal acceptance of Jesus, but it flourishes through a community that nurtures and supports. Like young plants that need stable roots to grow, our children require a solid foundation of faith. We, as a church, serve as that grounding, reinforcing their faith through our teachings and examples.
  2. Building Each Other Up:
    • The Apostle Paul emphasizes the importance of being ‘built up’ in faith. For our Adventurers, this building up occurs in every story we share, every lesson we teach, and every song we sing together. Each activity and interaction is an opportunity to reinforce their spiritual structure, much like building blocks that strengthen a structure.
  3. Strengthened Through Fellowship:
    • Just as iron sharpens iron, our interactions within the church community sharpen and enhance our faith. Our children learn not only from us but also from each other. Fellowship provides a platform for shared experiences, mutual learning, and spiritual growth. This is particularly evident during events like today, where the joy of fellowship is palpable.

Conclusion: As we reflect on today’s scripture, let’s embrace the role of nurturers and builders in the lives of our young Adventurers. Our mission is not only to teach them about Christ but to grow with them in faith. Let us continue to live out our faith with thankfulness, showing them the beauty of a life dedicated to Jesus.

Call to Action: I encourage each of you to deepen your involvement with our Adventurer Club. Whether by leading a small group, participating in activities, or simply offering your time and prayers, your engagement makes a profound impact on their spiritual journey and ours.

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